Jim's Amateur Radio Satellite Resources Page

Jim DeLoach, WU0I

This page contains resources for Amateur Radio satellite operation that I have found to be particularly helpful.

Presentation for 2024 Pacificon

QST Satellite Article

Satellite Status Pages

Post Satellite Roving Activations

AMSAT Amateur Radio Satellite Resource Links

AMSAT should be your first stop for all topics related to Amateur Radio satellites!

Satellite Tracking Apps & Hardware Controllers

Mapping Resources for Planning Satellite 'Roving' Trips

The free Google Earth Pro tool enables users to overlay and visualize custom map data over geospatial images, maps, and other geographic information. I use this tool to overlay Maidenhead gridsquare boundaries and related information over satellite imagery and street maps to plan North American road trips and find suitable activation sites -- including sites on gridsquare boundaries. Google earth comes in several flavors, but I typically use the Google Earth Pro PC-resident version. Download Google Earth Pro here.

Keyhole Markup Language (.kml) files can be loaded into Google Earth to visualize custom map data. Double click on a .kml file to open it in Google Earth. I have created the following .kml files to assist me in satellite roaving trip planning:

Other Helpful Amateur Radio Satellite Resource Links

Sample Kenwood TM-V71A Chirp Satellite Programming File

This sample TM-V71A Chirp file ilustrates how memories can be used in your rig to simplify Doppler Shift management.

(c) Jim DeLoach, WU0I, 2024.